In April 2023, Simon began a social documentary photo project entitled 'Faces of Sleat'. Simon is keen to follow in the footsteps of the likes of Richard Avedon who photographed the American West and August Sander who produced a substantial document of the German population during the 1930s.
Simon is using a 1970s medium format film camera with monochrome film to record his subjects and is processing and printing the films in his darkroom.
“I am keen to photograph a significant cross-section of Sleat inhabitants, across all ages, which will stand as a social document of folk living here during 2023-24.”
He added “I have been overwhelmed by the response from Sleat residents keen to be part of the project and, so far, I have made over one hundred and fifteen portraits in just five sessions held at Sleat Community Trust, Tarskavaig Village Hall, An Crùbh and Drumfearn as well as in my studio".
More sessions are planned at Sleat Community Trust and An Crùbh during the rest of the year and Simon plans to produce a book and exhibition of the work in 2025. Watch out for social media updates as to when and where future portrait sessions will be taking place.
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